The above image was taken at the small dock up the LaHave river here in Bridgewater, where I live. The local photo club (of which I am a member) had a field trip to discover what could be found without traveling far from home. The excursion was well attended, and results of a group of people seeing and photographing the same area are always fascinating. The day started and ended rather dreary and overcast, but there was a brief time during which the sun broke through strongly, and the shadows deepened. The image below is also from that field trip. Having grown up inland, the many fishing communities, wharfs and docks hold a certain fascination for me. Where I live there is a profusion of Cape Islander fishing boats. At the larger wharfs such as Digby and Dennis Point, the newer lobster boats have morphed to have huge, wide and flat aft-decks to accommodate more traps. Ports such as Lunenburg accommodate larger trawlers and other deep ocean goers, and it’s home to the famous schooner Bluenose II, and the barque Picton Castle. Mahone Bay features quite a few sailing boats and pleasure craft mixed in with the fishing boats. Often I seem to focus on the forms, colours and textures that are present. But sometimes I’m content to just record the beauty of the boats upon the water.

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