These days, most people have a camera with them at all times. It’s in their cell phone. When this picture was taken, I don’t think I’d yet succumbed to the notion that owning a cell phone was necessary or desirable. Having a camera with you at all times is something that many good photographers advise, and on this day I was sporting a small point-and-shoot (which at least shot RAW). There weren’t many such photo successes, however, as the camera ultimately proved frustrating for me to use (my wife still happily uses it now and then). Presbyopia means that I need reading glasses to see the back LCD screen properly; I really need an eye-level viewfinder to be comfortable shooting. Yes, I do now have a cell phone (though it’s far from new, or particularly good for picture taking). But I try to be disciplined, and take one of my larger cameras with me.

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